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 > Holiday house Switzerland > Holiday house Ticino > Holiday house Lugano > Holiday house Bidogno-Carusio
Holiday house Canonica
It is an old 3-stroy stonehouse, renovated in 1990. It is located in Carusio (800m above sealevel), 50 residents, on a sunterrace, very restful, no traffic. The house is on a plot of land of 1000m2 ( meadows, garden trees, seats, BBQ. Enjoy the marvellous view to the Denti della Vecchia, Valcolla and the Valaisan Alps. The valley is suitable for hiking, riding excursions in Bogno, swimming(in Tesserete) and fishing in the river Cassarate, restaurants in Bidogno, shops in Tesserete (8km).New: whirlpool and jacuzzi in the garden!
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City: Bidogno-Carusio
Size: max. 7 persons
Price: from CHF 100 /day
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