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Ferienhaus Finnland > Ferienhaus Ostfinnland > Ferienhaus Rautjärvi
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Ort: Rautjärvi
Grösse: max. 9 Personen
Preis: ab EUR 188 /Tag
Ferienhaus "Hirviharju (700448)"
Innenbereich50 km north-east of Imatra, L.Alusjärvi 20 m, (length 0.8 km, width 0.4 km), shallow, hard, sanded sandy bottom, a pier, own boat. Log cottage 1989, living room/kitchen, sleeping alcove 2 beds, sleeping loft beds for 5 persons, bathroom shower cubicle and WC, terrace. Lakeshore sauna 19 ...
Ferienhaus Finnland > Ferienhaus Ostfinnland > Ferienhaus Rautjärvi
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Ort: Rautjärvi
Grösse: max. 6 Personen
Preis: ab EUR 182 /Tag
Ferienhaus "Erätorsa (714207)"
Innenbereich40 km north-east of Imatra, L.Torsa 25 m (length 13 km, width 1 km), shallow, soft, sanded clay/moraine bottom, own boat. Log cottage 2005, kitchen, living room, bedroom (downstairs) bunk bed, bedroom (upstairs, sloping ceilings) double bed, sleeping loft convertible sofa, sauna (elect ...