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This is how Holiday-Home works
You describe your property on the registration form. As soon as your advertisement is online, your ad will remain published one year, 24 hours a day on and interested visitors can get in touch with you directly.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail to .
For suppliers of a wider range of properties (at least 11) we offer the possibility of a partnership. Please contact us by e-mail to .
Your advantages
- Google's number one when searching for "holiday-home"
- Very favourable compared with printmedias
- You reach an audience all over the world
- User guide in several languages (English, French, German)
- Professional customer service and consultation
- By means of pictures you show the visitors what they can expect
- On-line access to your advertisement (with your login data you can change or update your ad on your own)
- Inquiry and booking form for visitors
- Publishment of free/occupied dates by means of a calendar
- Last-Minute offers
- Statistics on number of accesses
- Forwarding of inquiries by e-mail, SMS, fax or postal service
- Indication of a situation map of your rental
- Link to your homepage (we reserve the right to refuse to link homepages of other competitors)
- Professional marketing
Our success in numbers
Place your trust in our great experience. Since 1996 we belong to the pioneers and the global leaders in providing vacation rentals on the Internet.
- Close to 10'000 visitors per day
- Large selection of vacation rentals worldwide for each budget and interest
- 95 % of our customers renew their advertisement with us for another year
Annual fee CHF 120 / EUR 100. Nonrecurring admission fee CHF 30 / EUR 25. More details to our charges and terms of business can be found on our price list.
> Enter your vacation rental online