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Holiday-Home - Frequently asked questions
How can I book a vacation rental?
At Holiday-Home you book directly with the owners. If you are interested in a holiday apartment or a holiday home, please contact directly the owner. You will find the respective contact information (phone, fax, contact form) with every insertion.
Could you send me a catalogue of Holiday-Home?
Please note, our catalogue exists only on the internet. We do not supply any catalogues on paper and therefore take care of the environment.
Could you give me an offer for a vacation rental?
Please note, we are not a holiday agency or travel agency, but publish the adverts of owners of holiday domiciles on the Internet. If you are interested in a holiday apartment or holiday house, please contact directly the owner/landlord. The respective contact information (phone, fax, contact form) can be found with every insertion.
How can I enter my property to Holiday-Home?
We'd be pleased to enter your property to Holiday-Home. If you wish to enter your property you have the choice to do this online or to have the registration forms mailed to you.